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"Profileing and Segregation"
The Day Is Drawing Nearer

"The enemy is no longer 'at the gates.' They are among us and they are Muslims first, last and always. They are here to destroy. They hate us, our values and our way of life. President Bush says we are not fighting Islam. I don't know how long that statement can remain operative. If you hear hoof beats, look for horses!"
Above comment quoted from Article by John Galt

There is coming a day when Americans may demand 'Profiling and Segregation' to be implimented across this land.

Segregation of Muslims on buses, trains, subways and planes. It's either this or outlawing cellphones, big coats and backpacks, (and now babies and their diapers) on public transit and we know that is never going to happen. Other choices: (1) Round-um up and move-um out, (2) Internment camps, (3) Civil War on our homefront, or (4) Die by the Muslim's sword.

If America is attacked, whether from inside or outside, and the damages are on a large scale, changes will take place. If the terrorists are found to have crossed our open boarders, the Political Party that is in office at this time, along with Congressional members, will cease to exist. Americans will demand they close the borders or they will be kicked out of office.


So far, profiling immigrants at our borders has become nothing more than rewards for the lawbreakers and a pointing of the middle finger at we Americans, especially we Conservatives. According to the infamous ACLU and their ilks, profiling within our borders to keep our country safe is not on their agenda either. They will fight for the terrorists at every chance. Searching bags and backpacks of individuals boarding our public transits has been looked upon by the ACLU as unconstitutional, violating civil rights, transgressing acts that go beyond limits or boundaries to keep America safe.

The ACLU is not the final say in this war on terrorism. One day they will be forced to step aside and the America citizens will show this county how it's done. All this is leading to Americans taking matters into their own hands to protect their sovereignty. This powder-puff political correctness approach to terrorism in our midst will come to a head and hopefully to an end.

Perhaps segregation of Muslims from non-Muslims on our public transits will send a clear and fearful message to any potential terrorist having plans to blow up our buses, subways, trains or planes, and buildings. It will be easier for our countrymen to take these transit weapons of choice by a terrorist, out with a missile or firearm before they can reach their destination.

The act of terrorist sabotage and murdering will provoke angry reprisals that easily could balloon into bloody race riots.

Since the Muslim societal structure and characteristic pattern of relationships is not based on principles of what's 'right' or 'wrong' and their whole existence is based on principles of 'honor' and 'face', it is harder to be delt with.

Right and wrong concepts were given to the Hebrews of old. God gave his commandments and laws to his chosen people, Israel. The rest of the world was not privy to these commandments and laws although they were passed down through the ages to others.

Evidently Muslims have forgotten the laws and commandments of 'right' and 'wrong' handed down to Moses from God to the children of Israel, (Muslims believe "Allah" gave the Torah, with its Laws, to the Arabs and believe the Jews have changed the writings) but instead, under their own self-appointed prophet Mohammad, (the Arab prophet who founded Islam (570-632)), built their own societal structure on 'honor' and 'face'. Thus the Muslims can boast such things as slaughtering their own as well as those they call the "infidels" is honorable. Maybe they should go back and read the Torah and see who God calls infidels!

Since to a Muslim, honour is more important than his life, and using suicidal acts of violence to kill the “infidel”; to kill as many Americans as they can to be rewarded their 70 virgins....profiling, segregation and this war against these terrorists is purely justified!


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